
The HOL-OCL Book

by Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff

Cover for brucker.ea:hol-ocl-book:2006.HOL-OCL is an interactive proof environment for the Object Constraint Language (OCL). It is implemented as a shallow embedding of OCL into the Higher-order Logic (HOL) instance of the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. HOL-OCL defines a machine-checked formalization of the semantics as described in the standard for OCL 2.0. This conservative, shallow embedding of UML/OCL into Isabelle/HOL includes support for typed, extensible UML data models supporting inheritance and subtyping inside the typed lambda-calculus with parametric polymorphism. As a consequence of conservativity with respect to higher-order logic (HOL), we can guarantee the consistency of the semantic model. Moreover, HOL-OCL provides several derived calculi for UML/OCL that allow for formal derivations establishing the validity of UML/OCL formulae. Elementary automated support for such proofs is also provided top

Keywords: security, SecureUML, UML, OCL, HOL-OCL, model-transformation
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QR Code for brucker.ea:hol-ocl-book:2006.Please cite this article as follows:
Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff. The HOL-OCL Book. ETH Zurich, Technical Report 525, 2006.
Keywords: security, SecureUML, UML, OCL, HOL-OCL, model-transformation
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abstract = {HOL-OCL is an interactive proof environment for the Object Constraint Language (OCL). It is implemented as a shallow embedding of OCL into the Higher-order Logic (HOL) instance of the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. HOL-OCL defines a machine-checked formalization of the semantics as described in the standard for OCL 2.0. This conservative, shallow embedding of UML/OCL into Isabelle/HOL includes support for typed, extensible UML data models supporting inheritance and subtyping inside the typed lambda-calculus with parametric polymorphism. As a consequence of conservativity with respect to higher-order logic (HOL), we can guarantee the consistency of the semantic model. Moreover, HOL-OCL provides several derived calculi for UML/OCL that allow for formal derivations establishing the validity of UML/OCL formulae. Elementary automated support for such proofs is also provided top},
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