Theorem-prover based Testing with HOL-TestGen

Achim D. Brucker und Burkhart Wolff


QR Code for talk:brucker.ea:theorem-prover:2007.Bitte zitieren sie diesen Artikel wie folgt:
Achim D. Brucker und Burkhart Wolff. Theorem-prover based Testing with HOL-TestGen. Tutorial at Testcom/Fates 2007, Tallinn, Estonia, 26. jun. 2007.
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@Talk{ talk:brucker.ea:theorem-prover:2007,
address = {Tallinn, Estonia},
author = {Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff},
day = {26},
event = {Tutorial at Testcom/Fates 2007},
handout = {},
isodate = {2007-06-26},
lecturer = {Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff},
month = {jun},
slides = {},
title = {Theorem-prover based Testing with HOL-TestGen},
url = {},
year = {2007},